Up in the Air! It’s a Movie! It’s a Book! NO! It’s Fully Alive!

What in the world is “Fully Alive?”   Its my feature length film in theaters March 22 and 25th. 

It’s also a book, and small group curriculum to be released by summer.

BUT most important:

Fully Alive is the opposite of partly alive

and a wonderful alternative to totally dead! 

It is…………A wild 40 mph ride in a shallow bathtub down a steep hill of ice and snow – The movie opens with video of this ride
An afternoon of terror searching for my 4 yr old granddaughter in the mountains of Colorado – A life changer
A fifty mile and hour bicycle ride looking for acorns
The amazing baptism of my grandsons
A life changing photo taken at 240 + pounds – not for the faint of heart!!
An old geezer competing in triathlon – and surviving
Six words that changed my life
The birth of my first grandchild
The love of three fairy granddaughters
The never ending energy and love of three grandsons
A harrowing journey through the valley of the shadow of death
A God who loved me every step of the way

It is the story of my Journey from partly alive to “Fully Alive” and an invitation to join me in the “Land of the Living!

Starting when the doctor slapped me on the backside and said, “It’s a boy,” God had planned for me to live an abundant life.  Not necessarily a life of riches or fame or even of comfort, but a life filled with adventure and joy found by glorifying Him regardless of the circumstances that might come my way.

Along the way I stopped leaning on God and stopped living fully alive.  instead I trusted a healthy bank account, a healthy appetite and a flourishing career.  But God never gave up on me.  Today at 65, I am living  more “Fully Alive than I have been for 15 years.  What changed me?  That is what the story is all about!

This story has touched people more profoundly than any message I have ever delivered.   Henry David Thoreau is accredited with saying,  “Many men lead lives of quiet desperation and go to the grave with their song still in them.”    I will not allow that to happen.  I plan to sing very loud forever!  I want to hear other people sing their song. I hope that you will see “Fully Alive the Movie” on the 22nd or 25th of this month at a theater near you!

Life doesn’t have a winners circle but it does have a finish line.  I want to be running full speed when my chest breaks that tape, “Fully Alive” and having tasted the joy of eternal life in this life.

How about you!


  1. Tweeted and put the announcement on Facebook and can’t wait until it comes here in Rochester. Congrats and thanks for the inspiration!

    1. I can honestly say, I’ve never seen or heard anything that Ken has done, that I have not enjoyed greatly .

  2. Holding my breath waiting for it.. that and I love the colour blue.

    1. Author

      YesTerri! The DVD will be out about 12 weeks after the film. It will also be available for small group curriculum.

  3. My husband took me out on a date tonight — to your movie! That’s a real treat for us since we are care-givers to my mom and dad who live with us. It felt so good to be together and laugh together.

    And Ken, the part on getting healthy really had an impact on me. My 58th birthday was this week. I want to reach 60 and be in better shape than I have been the past 40 years. The big issue is the “d” word – discipline. Somewhere I lost it, if I ever had it. Your “before” picture (the one at the beach) and seeing the “now” you was awesome.

    Thanks for sharing your life with us, Ken.


  4. I got to see Fully Alive Thursday night. Thank you, Ken. I don’t plan to go down any hills at 51 mph, but I do want to do some other things that people think I’m a bit crazy for… things that for me are living life to the fullest even though they make no sense to anyone else. I may be starting one of those this coming week. Your movie restated that, yeah, it might be crazy and even a little weird and risky… I might even get some scrapes and bruises along the way, but the risks and the bruises are worth it–dreams are good, but they are nothing if they aren’t lived out. Thanks for your encouragement!

    LIVE!!! 🙂

  5. I cannot wait for the dvd and book 🙂 Love Trisha Salem VA.

  6. Please tell me when your ‘Fully Alive” is coming to DVD!!! It won’t be soon enough…….living in Canada we most often don’t get to see movies in the theaters which are catergorized as ‘christian’ and i know the Fully Alive movie was only in the U.S.
    So appreciate your honesty in your last blog and integrity of finishing last instead of not at all.
    Blessings to you and your family.

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