Three Actions that can Make You Visible

KD Find the fish and bird blogThere are two fish and two birds in these pictures. They are almost invisible. If you want to make a difference in the world, you have to be visible. Today’s post identifies three actions you can take every day to be seen and to make a difference in your world.  PLUS  If you find all four creatures, and identify the three actions that make a person visible, you could win a $50 gift card to my online store! Details on how to qualify are at the end of the post.

1.  The first action is to Move.

I don’t think I would have ever seen either the fish or the birds if they hadn’t moved. It was only when they moved that I became aware of their existence. It was only then that I was motivated to snap photos and eventually share them with you.

I believe we were created to make a difference and impact the lives of other people for good.  But that can’t happen if we never move.

No matter how colorful your clothes, you will be totally invisible sitting in a comfy arm chair watching television. Movement attracts attention. People can’t help you and you can’t help them until you begin to move. I state it over and over in my book.

A body in motion tends to stay in motion.  A body at rest tends to rest in peace. 

Take a step toward progress, take a step toward life, MOVE!

2.  The second action is to Make Noise.

Of course fish don’t make noise, that may be why they are so invisible. The birds in the picture however, occasionally make a little peeping sound or slightly ruffle their feathers. Without that sound, I would have walked by these beautiful creatures many times without ever knowing they were there.

When you see someone do something worthy of praise, Make Noise.
When you see an injustice, Make Noise.
If you have something to offer that will benefit others Make Noise.

Too often we leave the noise making to those who oppose our core beliefs and ideals. As a result, the big noise from the minority trumps the silence from the majority and sometimes evil triumphs over good. I’m not advocating obnoxious behavior. I am simply saying that if you remain silent, no one can hear you or see you.

3. The third action is to muster the courage to Be Different.

The fish and birds pictured here are invisible because they look like everything around them.  Chameleons actually change colors as they change environments. I know people like that. But, you can’t make a difference if you can’t be seen.

If what you believe is different than everyone around you, Move, step out and become visible; Make a noise, speak up about what you have to say, sell, or give away; don’t be afraid to Be Different.

My dad use to say, “If your going to make a scene, be seen.” And, my dad was never wrong!

As the animals know, there is risk in taking the actions above. If you become visible, your enemies can see you! Consider the alternative…living a life where no one ever sees you. What a loss.

Which action is hardest for you?
Are you afraid to be seen?
What action can you take today to become visible?

As always, I value your comments and read all of them. [reminder]


How to Win a 50$ Gift Card to my online store:* 

1. Share this post on Facebook

2. Send an email to [email protected] describing where the creatures are positioned and listing the three actions from this blog post.

3. Emails must be sent no later than 11:00am CST on Friday, August 1st to qualify. Three people will be chosen at random selection and the winners will be announced on my Facebook page at 1:00pm CST on Friday, August 1st. 

Thank you for reading my post. Every day, here in the mountains of Colorado I see visible evidence of an amazing creator. Today I pray that I will be visible evidence of the same creator.



  1. Great simple but tried and true has to be visible, make a little ruckus and be different in today’s world to be successful. Being ordinary will never get noticed.

  2. Delighted to learn of you through this wonderful post. Insightful and motivating. Onward!

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