When they don’t even believe what they believe!

kenOccasionally even the comedian is stunned into soberness. I have been startled by a change slowly destroying our culture. I have wondered as I watch relativism envelope us like a malignant cancer, what happens when a generation of young people refuse to stand up for what they believe? Even worse, what happens when that same generation ceases to believe in what they say they believe? What happens when they refuse to accept or proclaim that what they believe is true in contrast to beliefs that contradict that truth?

In a recent post in Christianity Today, Chuck Colson and Anne Morse address this issue and suggest it may be the beginning of the end of a key pillar of our civilization. As a believer I am compelled to momentarily set aside the punchline and pray for some kind of supernatural intervention. READ MORE of this shocking story


  1. Hey Ken,
    Living as a peer counselor at a Christian College in Alaska, I see a lot of that. Alaska, is a very spiritual, and at times mythical, place when you get inside the Native group. A lot of kids that, within their own “Christian Cliques” will gladly and proudly shout at the rooftops that they are Christians and here’s why. But when you put them in front of a Mormon, and any different sect… They won’t say a word. Or if they do, it’s “I believe this, but your’s works too….”
    Another thing that scares me with my generation is the fact that the “Believers” we rely on, a lot of times don’t really understand what Believing – being a disciple – means. One of the girls (16) that I disciple once a week finally told me what she thought. She just very plainly said “I know all the do’s and don’ts” of this thing people call Christianity, and what I sopposedly am – but the thing is, I believe I’m only a Christian because I was born into it.” Ken, that terrified me. Although I was able to somewhat shine some light, knowing that she isn’t the only one… it’s really sobering.
    I’m ready for Christ to come, but if we’re leaving so many people confused, I ALMOST want God to put it off.

  2. Ken — Thanks for sharing this. Perhaps we need to get better at Christian apologetics so young people have a more solid foundation for knowing why they believe. The overwhelming evidence of the resurrection is what caused me, a cynical third-generation journalist and anti-church, anti-religion agnostic to become a Christian at 19 many moons ago. Jesus was either a liar, lunatic or he was the one and only Son of God….but he can’t be all three; so we are forced to make a choice… which is hard for some in this age of tolerance. It’s not a matter of how one feels, or like picking a flavor of ice cream. My spiritual search came about because I did not want to half believe something I called my religion. We are at war with the father of lies, Satan. His most effective weapon these past few decades has been to sacrifice truth on the altar of tolerance. Until we come to grips with understanding the unique claims of Christ, believers will never have the spiritual back bone to stand up for Jesus.
    Keep up the good fight Ken.
    -Carl Thompson

  3. I share your concerns of the growing number of Christian’s, especially those who are young not willing to stand up and affirm what they believe is true. On the other hand, I am also concerned with how many Church Leaders and others in the Church tend to respond to this by taking a judgmental attitude of “We (Christians) are right, you are wrong” and being confrontational about it. I contend we should respect other persons beleifs. Now, these two concepts are at odds with each other, so what do we do? I said Respect NOT AGREE with. One can respcet another’s worldview while also objecting to it. But what should we do then in teh face of other worldviews?
    I wish I could go into detail as to an answer, but as I develop my own evangelism/apologetic ministry, I am confronted with this issue. When respecting other people’s views goes “too far” and not willing to at the very least stand and say I believe this is the only truth and I don’t believe there is any other truth is troublesome. It is not an easy task. But we should not take a view of attacking other worldviews, approaching it as some kind of Battle. I don’t think that is how Jesus approached the issue, nor should we. We should be confident in sharing and proclaiming the Truth of God and of the Gospel, and leave it up to each person to decide whether they want to accept it or not. But we must stand firm in what we believe in.
    Ken L.

  4. Mr Davis, I love your blog, and while reading this particular post, my heart hurt for you, and I had to respond. While I understand the article you referred to, I’m afraid (and thrilled at the same time) that’s not what I see in young people today. Sure, some of them walk away, over churched, disallusioned, or just plain being a me-do-it kind of rebel with their own cause – but they don’t stay gone.
    Granted my children attend a Christian School, and my family is very active in ministry. Maybe I am sheltered or maybe I walk the high school and college campuses, attend events like Acquire the Fire, and such and I see God raising up an incredible generation on fire for Him and eager to serve. With gifts overflowing for evangelism, knowledge, wisdom, and mission. Chomping at the bit, and feeling frustrated by my generations lack of zeal. (I was born in the 60’s)I NEVER saw as a kid or young adult what I am seeing today. It amazes me.
    Maybe I’m blessed in that we belong to a church that presently teaches relationship over religion, where the gift of apologetics seems to be strong, where the young people I know grow up believing that the Bible is the complete and inerrant Word of God, and not some nice piece of literature that might contain the word – but needs to be sifted to be understood. It is the Rhema and Logos… God breathed and complete. and my kids know that.
    Now there are teachers out there that scare me, and I’ve learned to search the scriptures and double check what I’m hearing, and my boys know how to do the same too. True my oldest may change religions when he get’s older while he finds his path, but I know that I know that I know He won’t change Gods.
    I see passion in these young people, I see God pouring out his Holy Spirit not just in abundance with these children but to over-flowing. God doesn’t have grand-children – he has this generation exactly where he wants it.. Working the fields and on fire for Him. Walk a campus, ask to see the chariots.. he’ll show them to you. I promise.

  5. Wow. As a brand new Christian (and I mean NEW!) I have this insatiable desire to go after every single weakness and “defect” in our potentially fantastic society, and this very topic is high on the list! You are so right…it is frightening to see what’s happening with our young people’s fortitude. I worry about it one step deeper…not so much that they don’t stand up for what they believe in…I worry sometimes if they actually DO believe in anything! But….I always seem to find a positive. Though they get harder and harder to find, there are still some shining examples out there of youth and young adults who have sound principles and beliefs and stand up tall for them. (Did I mention they are getting harder and harder to find??)
    I think we as Christians, newly born as some of us may be, need to seek those few principled fighters and stand up with them, fight with them, and let them know they are noticed and appreciated. Then perhaps, little by little, that pillar will gradually be reinforced. I know I am praying for it.

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