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Brainstorming: How to Hatch Your Dreams into Reality

What if you could dream dreams you had never dreamed before.  What if you could tear the wrapping from ideas like you once ripped paper off a Christmas gift.  Remember the squeals of delight? What if you stayed up all night because you couldn’t wait to develop those new ideas into products,  ministry or income potential.  McNair Wilson’s new book …

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This is the Reason I will Endure one more Security Screening.

Sometimes I ask myself why I leave my family every week to endure the hassle of travel. Occasionally I get weary and wonder why would I eat junk food and sleep in lonely hotel rooms in order to stand on a stage and deliver the one gift God has given me.  Then I meet a girl like Kallai, and I …

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Pretty in pink!

Today as I sat waiting for my flight to leave, a young man boarded the plane wearing the pink- piggy- neck rest you see in this picture.  As he stored his belongings, he removed his jacket to reveal that he was also wearing a hot pink shirt. I’m no fashion maven but this is a combination I had never seen …