No one Can Take This Away!

IMG_2503For the past week I have been secluded in the wilderness listening to the screaming bugles of elk and the frantic yelping of coyotes welcoming the morning. Climbing winding game trails through high timber, I feel a sense of freedom. Even my mind is free to wander. Of course my mind rarely does anything but wander.

Today I said a prayer of thanks for the privilege of experiencing the spectacular beauty I have seen in this place. Then my mind wandered from that ecstatic moment down a sadder, darker path.  A path with a nagging question that needed an answer.

I was reminded of the alarming world wide trend to remove all vestiges of faith in the God I just thanked from public life.  The trail grew more ominous as I pondered what my personal response to this travesty should be. The creator of everything I was seeing, The Hope of mankind, is often treated in our society with the same disdain we once held  for despicable things, while despicable things are often welcomed on public display.

What am I to do?

Will the government eventually remove all vestiges of God from our/my life?

Can they?

Then I looked up and realized the answer!


Men may be able to take down the Ten Commandments from a courthouse.  They may be able to remove books and prayer from schools.

But no one can ever remove the display of God’s glory that was right in front of my eyes.

Colorado Sky

Colorado Sky

IMG_4917 copy

After Storm Glow









A Promise Remembered









Timber Line

Timber Line







The dreary trail my mind had taken brightened as I realized I could also add other pictures.

  • Photos of laughing children I have met who because of Jesus are living with joy in the midst of abject poverty.
  • A picture of my sweet elderly friend in hospice who smiles as she says she is facing certain….. “LIFE!”
  • A photograph of a small group of worshipers in China or Russia or Cuba who have never been able to depend on the government.

I stood up and began to walk back to camp. My question was partially answered.

My first response would be to thank God that He is bigger than any government or dictator.

No law of any kind can keep Him from displaying His power, love and glory.  We have become over dependent on government and society to support us and display His glory.  Don’t be deceived, God will not be mocked.

As I walked, evidence of his existence lined my path, filled every vista with jaw dropping beauty, and overwhelmed my heart with a new confidence and joy.

Tomorrow I will think about what my second reaction should be!

How do you think we should respond to societies ever increasing intolerance to Christianity?

What evidence of Gods Glory have you seen that cannot be taken away?


Hello! Did you call me!


The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge.
There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard.
Psalms 19
For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.
Romans 1:20

All but one of the pictures pictures were taken at Pack Country Outfitters –  Fish and Cross Ranch.  I am grateful for a great hunting experience and a week of spectacular beauty


  1. Isn’t it awesome how God speaks to us when we’re out THERE?

    Like, the middle of NOWHERE?
    With nothing in between self and creation.

    I, too, come home determined to put God in the center. Great post, my friend.

  2. Oh Ken…YES! Our God IS bigger, greater, grander and more wonderful and powerful than ANY government. God sets the Kings in their place — and removes them — for HIS purposes (Daniel 2:21) and He will not be over ruled or hidden or silenced by any man (no, not even by a woman either–grin). Thank you for pointing us to see that our God is GOD and He alone is GOD. His word and His presence cannot be silenced. May He Roar and display Himself in ways that cause others to see that He is Sovereign. Keep holding His truth before us in a time that it is so easy for us to forget. Bless you!!

  3. We live in such a presumptuous society to think puny us could ever silence the Majestic God we serve! His glory is revealed in all creation–and will be forever. We are without excuse. Continue to praise Him from those mountaintops, Ken! I’ll be doing the same from the Midwest plains.

  4. Before I knew Our Lord and Saviour I worried about where
    the world was going. Now I don’t because I now know that while Satan will have his
    day, and he will, Our Lord will have the war.

  5. God is great and all around us. Rather than spend time talking about the government not having the ten commandments in front of the court house maybe we should worry about ourselves. Do we have the ten commandments posted in front of our house? Are the ten commandments posted in front of our churches? It is up to us to share the Word and Jesus with the world. It is not up to the government. So I ask you all, have you taken the initiative. If you are waiting for the government or anyone else to spread the word you have a long wait. It is your job. You are the disciple. No one can silence the Word of God or the salvation of Jesus Christ because if you believe you can live it and walk the talk. Mary

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