Shakin at the Shack

6a00d834958b7053ef00e55249780e8833-800wiOkay, I waited way too long to read The Shack. Now it stands as one of the most earthshaking impacts on my life. Right up there with C. S. Lewis and other authors who dared to use imagination to get us to see the grace of God. This just might be the clearest picture of the face and nature of God a human can paint. I have trusted him with so little in my life. I have never been confident in His love for me to totally surrender. I am now compelled to take my own journey to meet papa at the shack.

Please don’t skip this book. It will change your life.

If you have read The Shack, or after you read it, please let me know how it affected you. I need to know if I am the only one left “shakin at the shack.


  1. I know we have talked about this book before, but The Shack is definitely one of the greatest books I have ever read. I believe this story touches on many of the ways of how God operates and feels about ALL of His children. It is definitely a must read, in my opinion, for all followers of Christ. I know for me, The Shack has brought a new and refreshed motivation for seeking the Lord, and a new desire pursue of love.

  2. THE SHACK touches on so many areas of life and faith. I could talk about many, but one is the idea that God doesn’t really have “expectations” of us… or at least they are not the starting point in our relationship with him. Since reading the book, I’ve been trying an experiment of having no (it’s probably not fully possible) expectations of my wife. I told her that she doesn’t need to feel like she needs to do anything for me, I just want to love her and serve her with no expectations in return – and see what that looks like. It’s actually deepened an already very strong marriage. We seem to serve each other even more than before. Very cool!! Can God really be like that? Or does he lay a bunch of expectations on us? Does his love transform us and compell us to love and serve others? Or does our fear of disappointing him or not living up to his expectations drive us to good works?

  3. I just recommended this book today, to my writer’s group. None of the seven that attended today have read it. I describe it as Life changing. I look at God so differently now and the book has brought me a peace like I have never known. God spoke to me so powerfully through that book.

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