Five Super Powers of Effective Leaders!

Foto 18 t025Did you know that I once played the role of Superman?   Recently I ran across photos taken 30 years ago from a short film we made promoting positive leadership qualities for youth leaders.

Whether you’re a CEO, a parent or a mentor of any kind, I think you will find this post both fun and helpful.  It’s kind of a cross between Throwback Thursday, Lighten up Monday and Factual Friday.  Enjoy the following photos illustrating five super powers of effective leaders.

Clark Kent needs to change clothes now!

Clark Kent needs to change clothes now!

1. Patience
Isn’t it difficult when you know the answer to a problem, to let someone discover it on their own?

Doesn’t it seem like a waste of time to watch someone learn a skill when you know you can do it faster and better yourself?

Isn’t it easy to forget the mistakes we made as we matured as people and learned new skills?

It’s so easy to make snap judgements about the mistakes our children or team make in the process of learning.  But good leaders are patient!

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Know when to let your cape show.

2. Discernment!

Effective leaders know when to temper their strength and when to let it show.

Effective leaders know when to leave the briefcase in the office and when to take it home.

They know when to  flex their muscles (be Superman) and when to use a gentle approach (be Clark Kent).

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They know the difference between good and evil, greed and graciousness.

It only takes a quick look at the news to discover that poor discernment is the Kryptonite that can destroy a leader, an organization, or a family in a heart beat.  All leaders occasionally make mistakes but effective leaders make discerning decisions from a solid ethical and moral base.

Foto 18 t0263. Humility
Effective leaders are quick to recognize weakness in their own character or leadership style.

They are willing to make the changes that will enable them to get off the ground and flying again.

When a person stops improving the end is near!

Foto 18 t003 4. Flexibility Effective leaders know that if you can’t find a suitable phone booth, you need to get creative and use whatever is available.

I haven’t seen a phone booth for years. I don’t know where Superman would change clothes today, but I do know this.  He would find a place! 

If a leader’s moral and ethical anchors are in place, she can move with confidence to make the changes necessary to keep up with a changing world.

5. Determinationsuperman
With patience and discernment effective leaders carefully choose the goals worth pursuing.

Faster than a speeding bullet.
More powerful than a locomotive!
Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound!

With integrity, humility and flexibility effective leaders keep moving toward those goals and they don’t give up!

  • What are your super strengths?
  • What areas do you need to strengthen to get off the ground?
  • What Super Powers have I missed?



  1. Acknowledgement…..
    A good leader never fails to recognize the help and talents of others. Clark always thanked Jimmy and Lois

  2. Pingback: Links & Quotes | Craig T. Owens

  3. God’s timing is perfect! Love this truth! I joke about about brutal honesty as being my super power and that I need to use for good not evil. This puts it into a loving, Godly perpespective.

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