The Key!
Last week I had the privilege of speaking to a group of bright, enthusiastic students attending the 2011 speech and debate camp run by Training Minds Ministry.Β
At the end of my presentation the founder of this group, Chris Jeub, asked this question, “If there is limited time to teach children the essentials of Math, Science, History, Literature etc, then why invest time and money to teach children the skill of speech and debate?”
My answer was emphatic.Β
All of the knowledge you can accumulate is of little value if you can’t communicate it.Β The people who are in most demand in this world are people who have the ability to articulate what they know, people who have the skills to debate what they believe.
Whether one is the CEO of a major corporation, pastor of a local church or the parent of a family, a MAJOR part of their ability to do that job with excellence is to know how to communicate well.Β The students I saw at this camp are far advanced in speaking skills.Β Because of those skills their chances to succeed in any field they choose is multiplied significantly.
So my answer was YES!Β Communication skills are the KEY to success, and essential to affective life.
Over the years those attending our Dynamic Communicators Workshops have raved about the difference the training made in
their public speaking,
their writing,
their relationships and
their ability to plan and focus their life.
When we teach people how to aim for an outcome in speaking it ends up affecting their whole life.Β Aim at nothing you will hit it every time.Β Know where you are going and you can take anyone with you.
Join me and some of the country’s Top Instructors in Vail ColoradoΒ October 17 – 20/21 and learn how to focus, your verbal communication, your writing, and your life.
I agree completely with you. I very much admire people that have the ablity to speak with out fumbling or tripping over words, or they know what they want to say, but it just does’t come out the why it sounds in your head the way you want it to. The more stress I am under the more I have trouble with my thoughts and speech and it is very flustating. Susan
You know what Susan – God chose Moses who stuttered, instead of his brother Aaron who was a great speaker. =)
I think speaking terrifies most of us! =)
There are three types of keys to success in todays world the first key is like you said in the post the key to communication you must always have a key that opens the door to open communication. If you don’t communicate with your spouse a lot of times the marriage doesn’t work out, if you don’t communicate at work with your co workers then things do not get done that you like and if they don’t get done the only person you can blame yourself.
The second key opens the door to your success, If you work hard and go above and behond what is expected this second key will open many doors for you to reach your goals.
the third and finally and most important key is the master key this key will open any door when you use to unluck and open your heart and let Jesus into your heart and accept him as your persoannal savior. this is the key to let in to the pearly gates up in heaven when God calls you home.
Thank you for your comment. I’ve got that last key!
so do I ken my heart opened up to Jesus back in the 7th grade what a year that was. I thank my sunday school teacher for getting me to open up my heart to jesus and accept him as my personal savior.
“All of the knowledge you can accumulate is of little value if you canβt communicate it.”
You are right on Ken!
It is one thing to be book smart – but, I have known some of the most brilliant people to be ineffective communicators which can lead to frustration and challenging relationships.
I think the other value of debate is that it FORCES you to study, learn the material and look at it from various angles. You get a better picture of that which you are debating. And, in turn, not only are the students learning, but they learn how to communicate through experience. I know I learn best when I can take what I’ve learned and practice it! =)
I love that you were able to invest in these kids – what a gift to them!
Thank you for your comment. They were a great bunch of kids with a head start at facing life. Come and see us if you are in Nashville.
Would love to! We are leaving here around the first week or two of Nov, and looking to travel through!
You were a fabulous encouragement to the kids last week, Ken. You brought the house down!
And I remember another thing you said about the question I asked. Your answer to how an educator or parent afford the time that speech and debate requires. “How can an educator afford NOT to teach communication skills?” (sic) So true.
Blessings to you!
It was my pleasure to be with you. thank you for the kind words.
Ken was a great encouragement to our time at Training Minds. He is a superb communicator and motivated our students to be champions. It’s wonderful to have such a great influencer that our children can look up to as they too develop communication skills for life.
Keep up the good work, Ken!
Thank you for your kind comment. I loved being with you.
Great speakers don’t just hatch, they make the choice to work and develop the skills they believe matter.
Ken does a super job of crystallizing key ideas so that with practice, anyone can communicate more effectively–and enjoy the process!
Preach it girl! (-; and thanks for the endorsement of our training.
I really enjoyed Ken’s presentation to us at Training Minds Ministries. I love his passion for Christ and effective communication. Thanks, Ken!
It was I who loved your passion. I wish I could have stayed to hear you present your speeches.
Ken was hysterical at the Training Minds Camp last week! I was in tears half the time! π I loved the part when he emphasized to each person there that “God gave you a gift” and to search for that gift and use it for the glory of the Kingdom. So many kids just wander through life not realizing the special gift that God gave to them when they were created. God has a purpose for each life and created that soul for a particular time in history. I pray for all young people to find their purpose and make a positive difference in this world. Thanks, Ken, for bringing up such an important topic in such a clever and humorous way.
It was about six hours driving to Training Minds and back. Worth every minute to be with you. Keep up the quest for excellence.
Excellent point, Mr. Davis! It was awesome seeing you at the camp, and very educational. Not to mention funny. =D
And yes, I still hope to use you as an impromptu example. π
God bless!
Use me! Let me know how you used me and how it went. I loved it when you announced you were going to do it.
I love your posts Ken! Is the following an original Ken Davis quote or does it come from someone else?
“Aim at nothing you will hit it every time. Know where you are going and you can take anyone with you.”
It may have been said before, but I think I thought of it by myself. I call it one of my Ken Kommandments. Thank you for the comment.
I would so recommend going to Ken Davis’ camp. He was an amazing speaker! Keep up the good work Ken! God is using you powerfully for His kingdom!
Thank you for the kind recommendation for our Dynamic Communicators Workshop.
you are teaching our CRASH YOUTH GROUP tonight. we are watching SUPER SHEEP and I would love to order a IM WITH HIM tshirt but cant find it anywhere. can you help me find where to order these? thanks so much for your wonderful gift of laughter and the Word of God teachings.