Funny how a few letters in a word can change the meaning of the word and subsequently one’s outlook on life.
Years ago, my friend, Gloria Gaither made a statement that still impacts my life. I hope her insight will help make this Christmas one of your most blessed.
Here’s what she said…
“How we experience Christmas, depends greatly on whether we approach it with a spirit of expectation or a spirit of expectancy!”
Most of us approach the holiday season with high expectations. “Won’t it be wonderful to have the entire family together! It will be such a peaceful time of love and laughter.”
It doesn’t always pan out that way does it? Old wounds are uncovered, difficult personalities are encountered and “turkeys” are burned to a crisp; sometimes in the oven and sometimes in the living room.
People who live with expectations expect things to go as they plan, Smooth sailing with no storms. When our expectations are dashed, we end up feeling disappointed and blue.
Conversely, people who live with expectancy accept that things will rarely go as planned and make a conscious decision to look for any blessing that God might bring, no matter what the situation.
People with expectations are most often disappointed.
People who live with expectancy are often surprised with joy.
Suddenly our focus changes
from what we want to what He wants,
from what we can get, to what we can give,
from what we have planned to what He has planned for us.
“O Lord help me look into your face this season with a spirit of expectancy. And while you’re at it Lord, please surprise my friends this Christmas with blessings beyond what they could have ever planned or expected.”
Great job. Thank you Ken
Great meaning to such a small world. I’ll be saving this to copy for my next Year Christmas. Bless u for sharing.
Word Not World. Lol.
How beautiful ! Yes, gratefully I stopped being unrealistic about what this blessed season would hold for me.
I came to Jesus in 2003, want ing what my dearest Julie P. had. She gave me A Purpose Driven Life and 40 days later I began to learn about the path Father God had in store for me.
Merry Christmas to all!
Beautiful perspective.
I thank God for Bill and Gloria Gaither for their God-given talent with memorable hymns and adding Ken Davis, not only for his musical talent but for his Christian humor as well! At 93, I enjoy both and because of short term memory, I enjoy it as I did the first time.. Just as the Bible is read over and over, new truths become beautiful!! We are never too old to learn about God’s beauty in everything! ❤️❤️
Love this, Ken! Thank you!!
This actually makes my goal of making every day magical – attainable! Thanks for sharing.
Oh, boy, how I needed to hear this truth again!! Thank you and Merry Christmas!
At my age (82) I know to depend on our Father God to place in our life just what we need to live life (we are the ones that mess it up) – at times it is trials that help us to grow in our faith – other times – it is joy beyond measure so that we cannot even imagine and oh what wonderful joy knowing that Father God has put them in our life. I’ve learned to take the good with the bad – all of it is unexpected. Life here on earth is many things but rarely boring. Grab the life that God gives and hang on – in the end you can’t lose if you have Jesus. Christmas blessings to you.
Thank you Ken!
It is amazing how the difference in the wording makes for even better outcomes per say when things do not always expect to go well. When families gather as in my own, past hurts and conflicts are still waiting to be healed so the expectancy of a good outcome should be considered. Hope that made sense. Thanks Ken for this insight! Merry Christmas!
Greetings Ken,
Wonderful way to look at the season! It’s a challenge for sure, but with some effort, can be achieved. Emotions run at extremes, I think, during the holidays, especially Christmas when we wish “all is calm, all is bright.” I have two adult children suffering marital difficulties this season with young children involved. It’s tough. Your influence has made a big impact on my ability to build my faith to where I can lift all to God and trust that He is in charge and always working behind the scenes for our good. Thank you for your part, and for this reminder.
Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy new year to you and yours!
Thanks for a good reminder!
Wow! I love this! My family is getting together for the first time in years. I know my daughter has high expectations. I am praying that she will not be disappointed! That is such a good word for us! Have a Merry Christmas Ken and Family! May Jesus bless you much!
As others have said, WOW! LOVE THIS! How true couple of words can change our perspective on things. I like others enjoy listening to the Gaither Family Music and DO VERY MUCH enjoy listening to your Lighten Up Mondays and reading your Blogs. Continue with your GREAT WORK OF SHARING GOD’S WORD. Hoping you & your family have a very BLESSED CHRIST MAS.
Amen and thank you for sharing this. I’m trying to change my focus.
You’re so beautifully like King Jesus and ABBA…….you give so much of yourself to others.
Thank You Sir