Big Enough to Love the Small

How Majestic!

Standing here I feel small, yet strengthened by the knowledge I am in the hands of One so majestic. These are the only words that roll through my mind….

O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!
You have set your glory above the heavens.

From the lips of children and infants you have ordained praise because of your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger.

When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him?

You made him a little lower than the heavenly beings and crowned him with glory and honor.

You made him ruler over the works of your hands; you put everything under his feet: all flocks and herds, and the beasts of the field, the birds of the air, and the fish of the sea, all that swim the paths of the seas.

O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!  Psalm 8

Standing there, this Corbis image came to mind.  What comes to your mind in the presence of Majesty?




  1. I see a picture of my son hooked up the multiple machines in order to keep him alive, I see a gentleman telling us that he thinks our son is deaf and that he will never be able to talk, I see specialists telling us that he’ll never walk. Then I see our son walking on stage in order to accept his award for forensics (speech to us old people). I see him almost making it back to his chair before being called to accept an award for academics,to save time the principal then asked to have a chair put on the stage so our son didn’t have to walk so far to get his next award in science. I see the Grace of God who gave this throw away child to us so that he could fulfill the dreams God has for him.

    1. Roger, I was overcome with emotion as I read your comment. You remind me that God doesn’t have any throw away children and has dreams for all of us.

  2. You are a master of words that could only be inspired by God. Thank you.

    1. Les, And you are a loyal friend whom I miss tremendously. Ten days, then I will hug your neck till you beg for mercy. Say hi to everyone.

  3. I know the Lord loves and cares for us even when we don’t love ourselves and even when we do the opposite of what we should be doing. When I look at His loving hand in the beauty of all of His creation I am humbled and in awe that He could love me this much

  4. You/the psalmist just put into words what my husband and I felt 9 years ago standing on the rim of the Grand Canyon. Thanks. (By the way, you may remember the pink mohawk guy from WAY back in 2003 in S. Dakota…yeah, that’s my husband.)

  5. Ken, this is so beautiful. In the presence of God, I am reminded that the love of Christ is more than enough for me.

    Amy von Borstel

  6. When I would be on a float trip and see the beauty of God’s creation, I would break out into song, “How Great Thou Art,” then at night looking into the countless stars in the dark blue sky, I again would sing quietly in my head “You spoke the Word, and all the worlds came into order – You waved your hand and planets filled the empty skies. . .”
    I am so blessed to see God’s hand everywhere I go. I only pray that everyone else could see, also.
    GimpyRoger: Thank you for sharing your story. What a blessing to hear what God can do!

  7. Hello Ken! I so agree God is so incredibly amazing and awesome. So loving and has shown so much grace and mercy to us by giving ushis son Jesus. I am amazed everyday of his incredible creation and even more of his love. I am a truck driver and see his majesty all over the country. Wow! His love is so much more for us than the most beautiful mountain. I pray we can embrace that love, share it with others, and glorify Him with our lives. Thanks again for your new book Fully Alive. I very much enjoyed it and applying your wisdom and God’s word to my life. Hope to get to see you Ken in Edgerton, Mn. In October. Thanks for your ministry! Marty from MinneSNOWta

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