Stare into the Past or Move Boldly into the Future… Your Choice!

shutterstock_289527173 Remember life before the computer?

Remember when memory was something you lost with old age?

Remember when an application was for employment, and you could actually find it?

Everything is changing and technology seems to change at light speed. How should we respond?

Before the computer, a program was a television show and a cursor was a person who used profanity.
A keyboard was a piano, a web site was behind your refrigerator, a virus was the flu, and a CD was a bank account?
I remember when a hard drive was a long, difficult trip on the road, and a mouse pad was where a rodent lived.

Maybe I am getting old, but there are times I long for books with actual pages, and hand written letters. I wish spam still came in a can, packed with that nasty wiggly gelatin.

My mom refused to step into the world of cell phones and computers and as a result missed important opportunities to watch her grandchildren and great grandchildren grow.

My grandchildren dove so deep into technology that they rarely come up for air.

What should our response be? We can stare wistfully into the past, longing for what was and never again will be, or we can use every advancement in technology to impact the lives of those around us and bring the good news of God’s love to the world.

The Apostle Paul chose to move forward using every thing at his disposal to be everything God created him to be. He didn’t have a computer or a cell phone but he had a plan.

He said, “Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 3:13-14

I think that’s how I want to navigate in this brave new world.

How about you? [reminder]

“Those who stare into the past back blindly into the future.”

Lighten-up-and-Live-smallThis post is adapted from Ken’s Devotional book Lighten up and Live! 90 Light-hearted Devotions to Brighten Your Day. A perfect way to start your morning. Get it here.

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  1. Good word! Thank you, Mr. Davis, for opening a wonderful, fun-filled, world for me. It is amazing how so much humor can be integrated with so much Word.
    God bless everything you do and say,

  2. Amen I told a friend who said she’s old school, that kids use new technology if u want to communicate with your grandkids u have to let tem teach u new ways and BTW I write letters 2 my grandkids and they save my letters

  3. You are so right, Ken!

    Paul was used by God to reveal the root of the solution, and today we have such unprecedented opportunity to touch and enhance the lives of others, for their benefit, for God’s glory.

    For each of us, our future is in front of us, not behind us. Clinging to the past will just help us be stressed, sick and poor when we are old. Pressing towards the future offers hope to us all that we can unload our unique knowledge, perceptions and stories for mankind’s edification before we are claimed by the grave.

    As one who been corrected on this issue, I can encourage all that the excitement of moving forward with focus is challenging, reduces stress and can be used to achieve prosperity for those old and gray years (chronologically, I am old and gray). With clear thinking and prosperity, we can further contribute for the benefit of others, and the world at large.

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