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20,000 Days and Counting!

I met Robert D Smith about five years ago.  He greeted me at the door as though I was a long lost friend.  I looked behind me to see if he might be talking to someone else.   He was talking to me.  We have been friends since that day. Since high school Robert has worked full time to help his …

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Brainstorming: How to Hatch Your Dreams into Reality

What if you could dream dreams you had never dreamed before.  What if you could tear the wrapping from ideas like you once ripped paper off a Christmas gift.  Remember the squeals of delight? What if you stayed up all night because you couldn’t wait to develop those new ideas into products,  ministry or income potential.  McNair Wilson’s new book …

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Good Grief?

In spite of the difficulties I have faced in life, I have lived a fairy tale existence compared to the pain and loss many have had to endure. I often wonder, when tragedy does strike, how do we deal with it?   When one of my friends is suffering how should I respond? What do I say?