A Personal “Thank You” from the Wealthiest Man in the World

Preston and gpaI celebrated my 67th birthday last week and it was one of the best weeks of my life.  I got more good wishes and caring messages than all the previous 66 years of my life put together. Those messages had a profound affect on my soul.

Thank you so much for lifting my spirits and reminding me of what is really important on this earth. I just finished reading “Johnny Carson” a book about the most famous talk show host in history. I once dreamed of being on his show. How sad to discover that he died alone.  Not a single friend or family member was there to comfort him. The book reveals a man who was never able to keep close friends or develop deep family relationships. In many ways it is a heartbreaking book.

How grateful I am for my family and the wonderful team of friends and associates that surrounds me. I am so blessed with a wife who loves me for who I am rather than only for my extremely good looks. As I viewed the following video, I wept like a baby. Bet that makes you want to watch it, huh?

Enjoy this video made by people I love. Their love and the love of my family makes me the “Wealthiest Man in the World”

[youtube id=”j2Uyjizsn-M”] [reminder]Do you remember a favorite birthday or birthday gift?[/reminder]


Thank you to these dear friends in the order of their appearance.

Scrooge, AKA, Matt Baughur. My actor friend and editor,
Tyler my buddy, and “Drama Queen” Lexi,  two of  six favorite grandchildren.
Suzanne, my friend who will never forgive me for forgetting her name once.  Okay, if forgot it SIX times.
Jadyn and Kialee, two other exceptional grandchildren.
Caroline! Valuable member of our team and daughter of…..  mmmm… What’s er name….  Oh yes, Suzanne!
Daughter, Traci Scheer, and her husband, my manager, Brian Scheer.
Stu MacLaren, friend with the biggest heart in the world.
Michael Hyatt, dear friend and valued business partner.
Joy Groblebe Manager and friend since she was a teenager.
Jackie, my friend from graphic design.
Chris Elrod, sweet friend who selfishly hoards Chocolate Liqueur.
Troy and Michele Cushatt, trusted friends and members of our team.
Patsy and Les Clairmont, two indispensable friend who both had me with hello.
Cliff Ravenscraft, my teddy bear podcast buddy.
Lauren Brady, friend and invaluable team member.
Lysa TerKeurst, one of the smartest and most discerning friend I know.
Emily Arts, The director and creator of this Birthday video and my cherished new friend.
Scott Fowler, weird son-in-law, who makes me laugh harder than anyone I know.
Tyler Scheer…. I love you little man.



  1. Have a Happy Birthday Ken, may you have 50 more years just like it. Yeah that would be 117. You can do it!

  2. I loved this video. Plain and simple. Happy birthday Ken and thank you for being a gift to all of us.

  3. LOVE! LOVE! LOVE!! What a beautiful video!! I don’t think Patsy can get any cuter!!! And I wholeheartedly agree with Lysa… your entire family is amazing!! Our family is so grateful for your friendship and investment in others!! Thanks for setting such a great example of loving God and loving others!!

  4. As a pretty new Ken Davis fan, I can only say that my wish is for you to have a long and productive life, bringing your humor and God’s love to me and so very many others. Happy birthday Ken.

  5. Happy Birthday to the funniest man I know. The first time I heard you on the radio…I almost crashed into car ahead of me…I was laughing so hard. and the first time I saw you on Stage in Yakima WA I almost fell off my seat…and could hardly catch my breath. It might be dangerous to listen to you without supervision!!! I Love your humor which turns the mundane into a comedy extraordinaire, your inspiring love for God and others and your unique wondrous self love.

  6. Happy Birthday to probably the funniest man i have ever met. Ur facial expression are beyond words and the joy you share with us each time we have the honor of seeing you is so immense. God sure knows who to pick to make ppl laugh till our stomach just ache… in a good way of course. Ty for coming to my city Syracuse NY and ty for just being a sweetee… Hope to meet u in person some time… Just thanking Jesus for you and i hope u know u rock… Just cannot say enough to share what u give to all of us.. More than u know and I know God is saying WELL DONE AND KEEP THEM LAUGHING FOR ME. SO Happy Birthday to u and i hope u know u are a gift to us all the time.. ; )

  7. Happy Birthday, Ken!

    I was born on my Grandpa’s birthday. When I was younger, I remember celebrating our birthdays together. This is something I will always cherish. He passed away 7 years ago. My Grandma is still living, but her health is definitely failing. I have called her every year on our birthday to say hello.

  8. Happy Belated Birthday, Ken. Greg Gilbert said it well, a man “Fully Alive”. After getting Fully Alive As Soon as it was available, I watched in Aw and yes lots of laughter! When I first watched a DVD of yours “second chances” in 2007 from Dr Jeremiah as my resource of support that month, I was Hooked. Later, with all your performances in my video/DVD library, I discovered my nephew, a youth minister, was and is greatly inspired by you working with the youth group at his church. I am thankful that my 90 year old Mom got to see “Fully Alive” before she recently went to Heaven. She could be having a difficult day, and I could just say, “so, Mom, are you reading that newspaper?”. She would start laughing and the laughter brought pain relief and so much more! Thank you.

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