Overcoming Addictions

Breaking an Addiction

Hootie1It isn’t long after a child is born that he/she begins to develop addictions.  Some of us continue the process throughout life.  Forget drugs, tobacco and alcohol.  We often select our own “acceptable” set of things to be addicted to.

This old favorite post is the story of one addiction broken with the help of a family pet.

For months my daughter Traci had been trying unsuccessfully to break my granddaughter, Jadyn, of her addiction to a pacifier.

Without the pacifier there was no sleep for Jadyn or anyone within hearing range. Within seconds of getting the pacifier she would go sound asleep. This pacifier was the “Ambien” of the toddler world.

One day I received a picture from Traci with the caption, “Now we have two addicts.” Family dog, “Hootie” has the habit.  But the whole affair was a miracle in disguise. Once “Hootie” got his lips on the thing, Jadyn decided to “pass” on the “pacifier.

Made me think about a lot of adults, one I see in the mirror occasionally, who still hang on to their own “pacifier” and refuse to do what it takes to give it up.  Want to borrow “Hootie?”

I have faced many addictions.  Some have disappeared from my life completely and some I still battle every day.

[reminder] How about you?  Have you been delivered from an addiction?  What things besides the list of drugs, alcohol and tobacco etc, can one become addicted to?  How do you fight the things you are tempted to be addicted to? [/reminder]

Your comments will be very helpful.


  1. Even aside from the normally expected things, like those you’ve mentioned… many addictions aren’t physical at all. My Dad was addicted for many years to those nasal inhalers that were supposed to clear your sinuses. For this purpose, he kept a large quantity (easily 50+) of cloth handkerchiefs that needed laundering. He paid my sister a quarter per handkerchief to launder, iron and fold them all.

    What broke him? The fact that none of us would launder his handkerchiefs anymore! …almost as effective as the pup with the pacifier. 😉

  2. BC I swore like a dock worker, but realized after receiving Christ that this was not the way to talk. I still have to catch myself when I get extreeeemly frustrated and I immediately confess to God and try to keep my talk from going that way. And interestingly enough, I never told anyone I was changing how I talked, but they noticed-even my mom will “oops” a bad word and apologize to me!

  3. This is a great question. I got rid of my IPhone last night and got a “dumb phone” — freedom. Now my internet time is intentional – at my desk during my alleged regular working hours. (I write so “regular” is still varied for me but I’m working on it) No more checking in to places, no more gotta answer this email or tweet something profound or scan Facebook. Lots more eye contact, conversation, hand holding, reading actual books, writing, breathing. w/e on the way.

    1. Granted it’s only been about 18 hours and I’ve already caught myself picking up my other phone and thinking I so have to tweet this only then realize I can’t and wonder if I’m going to live with my new choice. I will. still..

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