Ken and Diane
You have Cancer! Those words, spoken to my wife Diane, hit us like a sucker punch to the stomach. There had been tests and then three weeks of cruel waiting for the results. Finally the trip to the doctor, another eternal hour of torturous waiting and then the words…….. You have cancer!
Today, Diane and I are celebrating the fact that those words were spoken over 20 years ago.
Sometimes we take life for granted. A recent checkup reminded us that God has blessed Diane with 20 years of vibrant life after cancer. That brings a song of thanks to our lips and a humble prayer for those that have heard those numbing words recently. For you, I pray that this blog will be a beacon of hope.
My bride is a twenty year survivor of breast cancer. We have a significant number of friends and acquaintances for whom those words did not have such a positive outcome. This blog is dedicated to everyone who has fought this disease and won as well as those who have lost that battle. Do you hear me Grace?

Grace Scheer Our beloved friend. Promoted to an eternity of joy March 2010
We have a truckload of plans for the future:
A theatrical release to be filmed the 26th in Grand Rapids, a new book, an animated feature, a Bible study Series, a new tour, etc, etc, etc.
All of that pales in light of the fact…..
Diane has been cancer free for 20 years.
Although I have followed Christ most of my life, I don’t make a lot of religious sounding noises. But today because of 20 years and because of the joy that our friend Grace is experiencing with God…………. on this day I shout,
“Praise God!”
“To God be the Glory!”
“Thank you Jesus!”
Do I hear a witness????
FYI “Do I hear a witness” is the Greek phase for, “I welcome your comments!”
Thank you, Ken, for your encouraging words. I have also been blessed to attend some of your talks at the Praise Gathering in Indianapolis over the years. I heard those words “you have cancer” in July of 2007. My journey has been a difficult one. In spite of everything, the Lord has been my constant companion. When I would go for chemo treatments the nurses would ask me how I could be so peaceful. I told them, my Lord has already prepared the way, He is right here with me and He will always be with me. Once the side effects of chemo kicked in and I had all of them, I finally “surrendered all” to Him. That was the beginning of a new chapter in my walk with Him. Thanks to the “blessings” I have received with Him because of the cancer, my walk is so much richer. I now face additional testing and am not sure what I face but the Lord knows and He will be with me all the way. Thank you for your commitment to Him. Blessings to you and yours.
My prayers are with you even if this is not the Susan Peretti that I knew from Newington, CT that moved to Enfield New Hampshire. Whether or not you are the Susan I am looking for you will find a friend on the other end of this letter.
PRAISE THE LORD!!!!!! My friend’s husband just got a bone marrow transplant this week to help in his battle with leukemia!!! It’s my prayer that in 20 years they can say the same thing!!!!!! God bless you and your wife for your faithfulness to Him!!! =)
If Grace can’t be with us, I’m so glad she’s finally HOME. We miss you Grace…can’t wait to see you again.
We heard those words November 6, 2008. They told my husband, “You have a brain tumor and it’s most likely cancer.” Two days later, November 8, it was confirmed by the surgeon. After 5 hours of waiting while a surgery team operated on my beloved Larry’s brain, the surgeon came to the tiny waiting room where they give you bad news and told us, “It’s cancer, and it’s the bad kind. Statistically he’s got maybe 13 months to live.” We never told Larry how long the surgeon said he had left. November 8, 2009, Larry left his broken body behind and soared into the arms his Savior! Oh how I miss him! He fought so bravely and never asked “why me!” He only wanted God to use him and He did… on two continents.
Shelly, I have read your posts over the last month or so since I joined this blog, your experience, strength and hope is inspiring. I continue to keep you in my heart and in my prayers, because I too understand that kind of deep loss.
Praise the Lord, Anyhow! My husband and I have lived by this and the Lord has blessed me with 39 years following cancer. My husband is with the Lord for some 27 1/2 yrs. We were in our 3rd term as foreign missionaries when I was diagnosed. After surgery etc. we had more years there and also in another place. I understand how you feel. God is sooooo good. He is not finished with you and has plans for your future. I am thrilled with you for all He has done and is doing though you. It is so wonderful to be in His Hands and to be used by Him. God bless you abundantly.
Praise God for your wife’s healing. My wife, Bonnie, of 40 years just lost her battle with cancer after about 18 months. She went to be with the Lord on Feb 10, 2011. A few months earlier we had gone to your concert in Kalona, IA and even signed up to support a child for compassion. i still praise my God and Saviour but I have a real broken heart and it will take time to heal, but I pray God will carry me each and every day. Keep doing your ministrry because I really love listening to you. God bless.
I would not presume to know what it’s like to be diagnosed with cancer, but having lost both Mum and Dad, two close friends and almost a sister to cancer I know what it’s like to look on and I have come to realize two things. First, when a loved one dies with Christ in their heart, we mourn for ourselves, we miss them, forever it seems. Second,if they die without Christ in their heart, we still mourn for us, we still miss them, but we mourn for them also. Their loss is far, far greater than we could possible imagine.
There are two ways to die, with or without Christ. I thank God He has opened my eyes.
I had no idea you guys went through that. What a testimony. Thank you for your wonderful and timely post. My mother-in-law was a 40 + year breast cancer survivor before going home to be with Jesus in February of 2010. She was 86.
Blessings to you both.
AMEN!!! I am a 1 year breast Cancer Survivor. (diagnosised July 09). God is good All the time!!!
I am praising God as well having heard those words 5 years ago on April 27, 2006. I too have triumphed over breast cancer after a double mastectomy with 8 hours of reconstruction immediately following. If that doesn’t get your eyes off the “acorns” nothing will! I am thankful for the ways having cancer has changed my life. I do stop and see the deer in the back yard. I appreciate my husband in a whole new way for standing by my side and telling me I am still beautiful in his eyes. I love the response from my adult children who took care of me through-out my year of recovery and the many, many friends who sent cards and flowers and food, reminding me that I am not alone. God is good and everything that happens to us He can use for our good as well as the good of the whole world. Peace Ken – keep on keeping us laugh, as well as reminding us to be grateful.
Thank you Ken for your praise and reminder of how precious time is with our friends and families!! I am always excited to here of cancer survivors! I, too, am a 5-yr survivor now of breast cancer as of October-2010. I know it sounds crazy but, I am really glad that He chose to give me cancer-it was His way of teaching me a lesson. I am fully aware of the fact that He could have taken my legs or arms completely (or anything else for that matter!), but for some reason in His amazing love He decided not to. I have learned how precious each day, moment, person, is in our lives and our time here on this earth is completely under HIS control. I just try to live every day thanking Him for His Saving Grace and honoring Him. Life really is about the small stuff.
Thanks for all your fun encouragement!
Thank you Jesus!!!!
Hi Ken/Diane:
We are also members of TPC and my husband just found out that he has been diagnosed with prolymphocytic leukemia. We are unsure of the strain yet – but know that God will hold our hands all the way thru this fight. Would greatly appreciate your prayers.
Hi, I would love to talk to you if you have the time. My mom has been diagnosed with this rare disease too.
such wonderful news – praise God!! He is really good isn’t he?! When I was 7 years old my dad was diagnosed with a rare form of leukemia…there were times when he was so low that the doctors told us they’d never seen anyone alive with levels as low as his. As he slowly began to recover they told him they thought he had ten years at best to live…well 23 years later and he’s still very much with us!! no he hasn’t stayed leukemia free that whole time but God has been faithful and brought him through it each time it raises its ugly head again. :o)
Amen! 20 more years to you both and may you both smile as much as you make us smile when listening to you 🙂
Hi guys from John too. Yes, I have thought of my dear girlfiend many times as the years go by. PTL! I know you are a dedicated “helpmate” to Ken & we thank the Lord for your health.
In looking for some material to share at my 50th birthday, I found your great encouragement. I am a seven year survivor. Thanks for your encouraging ministry. God bless you and your precious wife and family.
Diane congrats on your continued good health being cancer free. It’s people that make it to the other side and make it cancer free that inspire and encourage those who still suffer and keep them in the fight. Thanks for sharing your story.
I think your Greek translates to my Pentecostal-now-Methodist as “Can I get an Amen?”
So here’s the Amen…
WOW! Congrats Diane! What an incredible gift to your family. Praising God with you my friend!
I can relate and I shout “Thank you Jesus” on a daily basis. In February I will celebrate 25 years cancer free. I was diagnosed with colon cancer at age 37.
Hi, I have a story to tell. If you have been diagnosed with cancer or any other life threatening illness, don’t be afraid. Call me. When we’re done talking you’ll no longer be afraid and most likely healed.(it does require a mustard seed of faith on your part, but that’s it! I’m positive you’ve got a mustard seed of faith!) It’s not that I don’t like doctors or hosptals, but it’s my goal to empty them as quick as I can. If you can’t afford the call you may email me at [email protected] and leave your number. I’ll call you. Phone# 907-727-8336 If I don’t answer it means I’m working, but I will call you back during my break. LOVE YOU ALL, Dana P.S. Ken, I’m still waiting for your call. Ken, If this in some way offends you, the least you could do is call my back with a rebuke. I can handle it.
My doctor called me after my surgery to tell me I could come in early for my first follow-up appointment. I was naively touched that she cared so much to call me personally. The nurse had already told me the doctor would not be in that day, so I waited until the day already set. After she assured me I was healing well, she took my hand and said, “Now I want to tell you about the pathology report. They found tiny, immeasurable cancer cells in the tissue I removed.” That was one year ago. The last report was all clear. I am doing my best to honor God and live my life in such a way that God will be glorified in the time I have left . . . which I expect to be years and years!