Today I began scouting out hiding places for the annual Easter egg hunt we hold at our home. I plan this carefully. My objective is to find hiding places that have never been used before. Evidently, my memory is becoming severely degraded. I put a little red flag in each new place I think will make a unique hiding place for this year. I poked a flag in four rotten eggs left from last year.

Rabbit Droppings
How could I forget a place where I stuck a flag and hid an egg only a year ago? Here is the worst part. I put out 30 flags, then I go to get the eggs. In the span of time it takes to go inside the house, get the eggs and begin placing them, I usually forget where at least five of the flags are. Just a few more years and I will be able to hide my own Easter eggs. Every egg will be a surprise!
When the starting gun goes off at the beginning of the hunt, (yes, we do have a shotgun start) the children immediately dash for the places they found eggs hidden the previous year. They have memories like elephants.
I can’t remember the location of Easter eggs or flags, but I’ve got the most important aspect of Easter forever imprinted in my brain and heart.
An empty tomb and a risen Christ are the centerpieces of Easter and the foundation of our faith. I love the laughter and joy that bubbles from my grandchildren when they discover eggs hidden in places where I thought they could never be found. I love it when they shout, “I found an egg! What is this flag for?” I love it even more when a man or woman experiences the “joy of His resurrection” and they pass from death into life.
Lasting joy can’t be found in a safety deposit box, an opulent lifestyle, or even in a respectable religious ritual. It is found in the hope of Easter.
As Jesus’ grief stricken friends came to prepare his body and say good bye forever, they were surprised by an angel sitting near an empty tomb. “Why do you seek the living among the dead?” he asked. “The one you seek is not here.” Then he said the words that would reverberate through history. Words that have transformed my life. Words that define Easter. “HE IS RISEN!” That’s the best news bite ever spoken. That is the hope of Easter.

Guarding the Treasure
After church, after my grandchildren find the last egg and after they have eaten enough marshmallow peeps to kill a monitor lizard, I will sit them down and tell them the story of Easter one more time. Outside there will be unfound eggs already beginning to decay and forgotten little flags fluttering in testimony to my feeble brain. But inside we will be basking in the hope of forgiveness and newness of life. Hope that is rooted in the GOOD NEWS that He IS risen.
Are you experiencing life to its fullest? Would you like to squeeze out every drop of adventure that God intended for you to get out of life? My DVD “Good News” highlights three principles that will enable you to get all the gusto out of life. This life changing DVD teaches you to live with…..
nothing to prove,
nothing to hide,
nothing to lose.
I have received more e-mails and letters testifying to the power of this message than any other I have produced. Please let me know if it touches your life.
Ah yes. Some of my best childhood memories are Easter egg hunts. Great post!
Very nostalgic for me.
Those are without doubt the most important 3 words in our history! When we moved from our first house to where we live now we found an egg under the couch that my wife says was at least 2 years old. I’m thankful it never broke!
Your post brought back memories of the Easter egg hunts my parents had for our children. My mom passed in 1998 and my dad is in a nursing home, but my children have wonderful memories of their grandparents. Thanks for the smiles!
Great Story, lots of great memories of dyeing easter eggs and hiding them. Last Year our Young Professionals group had an Easter Party we have a couple in our group who has a little girl The “Big Kids”- US dyed about 3 dozen Easter eggs (with her help) and then the host hid them. it was so fun to see our friend’s little girl have her own personal Easter egg hunt and hearing her call out “Found One!!”
An alternative for our Grammy. For years,Grammy decided (after too many years of rotten eggs) that she would save all of her spare change and then some for one whole year. She went and bought 300 plastic eggs of all sizes and colors and put all of her change in these eggs. Nickels, dimes, quarters, and yes, even some with $1.00’s 5’s, 10’s and even 20’s. This smart grandma kept track of how many of each color, and size and in what areas she hid them in. All grand kids from old enough to barely walk to college age kids (It stopped when you got married), and other kids that were not her grand kids, just because she asked them to come too, had a grand time hunting. When done each kid comes to grammy to tell her how many and what colors they have. Grammy keeps track.Then comes the delight of watching each kid open their eggs and count the change that is inside. College kids may even have enough to fill their car with gas on their return trip to school. The adults have just as much fun as the kids. A sweet story, one that grand kids, or not, will treasure the rest of their lives. Happy Easter Ken.
I like grammies idea. Problem is that if i forget where the plastic eggs with money are hidden. I lose money instead of just an egg.
I love the picture of your granddaughters. How cute. Love the posing. 🙂 Your post was soooo funny. I love all the little clever comments like the red flags, finding the red flags that you were supposed to remove, the rotten eggs, hiding your own eggs, etc. Maybe you could make a map of the yard and mark on the map where you hid the eggs. I think I would also use the red flags. It sounds like you still need those. lol Seriously, I know what you mean about the memory. I just turned 50 this year and I’ve had memory problems for quite a few years. 🙁 Ah, well, something to look forward to in heaven – no memory loss. Oh, wait – as long as I lose the bad memories, memory loss won’t be so bad. lol
Hi Ken
Love your stories about Easter. I had to chuckle because my husband has a short term memory problem and he keeps saying that he could hide his own Easter eggs and have fun finding them. I could relate. Thanks Ken
Jeanne Williamson
Grafton, New Hampshire
Easter is just around the corner. I have the spots all picked out. I have a map. Oh wait! Where did I put that map!
Every year my grandchildren and I get together to color & decorate our real eggs on Easter Eve, always discussing Jesus’ part in the holiday, so they know what it’s all about. Then, after morning services our church has an Easter Egg “hunt”, and when my gkids get home, they’re ready to continue at my house or my daughter’s house. The real eggs are found in their baskets. As the hidden plastic eggs are found, we put them in a decorated laundry basket, then distribute them evenly so each grandchild gets an equal amount. (Important, since the age range is from 6 y.o. to 19 y.o.)
Thanks for the stories, Ken, AND the videos. “Good News!” was my first, and I’ve added 3 more.
Wishing you a Blessed Easter!
I like your distribution idea. I will pass it on to my wife, Diane. She is the boss of all Easter bunnies.
I live in Jamaica. I heard a part of your speech over a local radio station that airs Focus on the Family. I heard up to the first principle, and I must say it came at a point where I was desperate to hear something from God. I was in deep emotional and spiritual pain and that little piece helped!! Thank you for using your God given gift. It helped this dying soul. I would really love to hear it all, so ‘ll be searching for the CD the first chance I get. God bless you and your family.