Publisher? Self Publish?

Our Summit for professional speakers and artists is coming up March 12-14. Over the next couple of weeks I want to address some of the valuable information that will be covered as well as some of the questions that will be answered there. One of the questions asked every year is, “Should I seek a publisher for my book or …

Like, you know, I don’t know!

This is not a political blog and not a political statement. This is in no way a condemnation of Caroline Kennedy. This is a warning from someone who cares about communicators. If you want to be taken seriously as a communicator, banish the sophomoric, useless words “Like” and “you know” from your vocabulary. Those words do nothing but distract from …

Man reaches the end of his cyber-rope!

McNair Wilson is a fun guy. Not fungi as in the plural of fungus, but a genuinely fun person. He is the consummate satirist. There is a sharp edge to his humor but not a mean spirited bone in his body. He blogs. (A very fun blog) He is on Facebook and he twitters. BUT McNair has sniffed out the …

The great canoe race

A crazy friend sent this piece by e-mail. I tried to find the author. It’s too bad I couldn’t. I wanted to shake his hand and convince him to run for President. A Japanese company (Toyota) and an American company (General Motors) decided to have a canoe race on the Missouri River. Both teams practiced long and hard to reach …

“Toe Clips” and “Face Plants!”

My wife gave me a pair of bicycle toe clips for Christmas. I thought it was because she loved me. Now I’m not sure. Yesterday, I just went for my first ride. I felt like a sleeping cow at a high school senior party. I tipped over five times. For the uninformed, toe clips attach your foot to the pedals …