At the crossroads of wisdom gained from experience and exuberance that springs from youth, you will find progress. Ken Davis
Nancy Reagan told a story of how President Ronald Reagan was once challenged by a college student who said it was impossible for Reagan’s generation to understand his.
“You grew up in a different world,” the student said. “Today we have television, jet planes, space travel, nuclear energy, computers. …”
Taking advantage of a pause in the student’s litany, Reagan said, “You’re right. We didn’t have those things when we were young. We invented them.”
Author and motivational speaker Charles Tremendous Jones used to talk about the same issue this way.
As you get older, you gain more experience. Each time you gain experience in new arena of life, you get a key on your key ring. That key-of-experience will open doors that were once locked to you. When you reach a ripe old age your ring is loaded with many keys of experience that can gain you entrance almost anywhere.
Those of us who have accumulated some barnacles may not have the energy to explore every door, but we do have the opportunity to explore almost any door because of wisdom that comes with experience.
Our smooth-skinned eager young friends have boundless energy to beat on every door they see, but very few experience keys that will gain them access.
So let’s combine the best of both worlds and begin an adventure. Rather than criticizing one another, imagine what could happen if we teamed up to exploit the energy and curiosity of youth and the wisdom and experience that only comes from having lived!
I am so thankful for a team of people who span the generations. Not only do they appreciate the keys that I have accumulated, but I appreciate their curiosity and spirit of adventure so much that I have given them access to those keys.
What have you learned from another generation?
What can we do to learn more?
VERY well said, Ken. I love the Ronald Reagan quote. I’ll keep that one!
Isn’t that a great quote. Hope you have a wonderful day Chris.
The editing of this content needs to be checked. There are several grammatical errors. This quality is not reflective of your tremendous teaching and effective ministry. (ie: “let” should be “let’s”, “team of people who span” should read “team of people who spans”)….
Respectfully submitted, Lin Sons
Thank you LIn. I go over these five or six times. In the end I have the choice of pushing the publish button or spending more hours trying to find every error. I choose to publish. I will try harder though. Thanks again for bringing the errors to my attention.
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I learned how to play WII bowling and golf. I even beat the kids at bowling. We all had a ton of fun. Then I showed them my computer skills from my days in college earning an Assoc. Degree in Computer Sciences with an M.I.S. minor (managing information systems). They were amazed at how easy it was for me to gain all access to their computer which they thought no one else could get into and see what they were looking at 🙂 Their mother was grateful to find this out. The teens are not so grateful because now there are parental locks on their “toys”. I suggested that they seriously consider college and they are.